Welcome to Room 13's Learning Journey blog. We are a class of Year 7-9 year olds in Auckland, New Zealand.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Welcome to Room 13's Blog!
I am Mrs H and I have the pleasure of creating my first class blog with my Year 4 class. So, it is going to be quite a learning journey in many ways... learning how to manage a blog, keeping it current so that we track our learning over the year.

Mrs H pondering the challenge of establishing and keeping a class blog all year...

Who in the World are we?

Here is a brief summary of who we are... 
We have 29 children in our class. 12 children were in our class last year and they are busy making the new children welcome and building great new friendships. We have a lot of different cultures represented in our class so we are all excited at the sharing we will have and how much we will learn about the different cultures. It is Chinese New Year Day today and on Monday our Chinese students will tell us how they celebrated with their families! 
Here are the cultures represented in our multi-cultural class: New Zealand European, NZ Maori, Chinese, Samoan, Arabic, Filipino, and Vietnamese. All except 3 children were born in New Zealand. But we are all Kiwis (the affectionate name for New Zealanders based on our flightless national bird).


Belinda said...

Hi Room 13
I am so excited to see you are going to be blogging this year. Please let me know if you need any help and I can come into your class sometime to do a lesson. I can't wait to see this movie I have heard so much about ...

Mrs H said...

It's great to see that Mrs J is one of our followers already! And we would like her to come into our class and give us a lesson so we can create a fabulous blog that will be interesting to us, our families, others in our school and children and teachers across the world.

We have so much to share about New Zealand! And it's such a hard place to visit...tucked away at the southern end of the globe. I hope all our children share their NZ experiences and perhaps, when we study them, our wonderful Maori myths and legends.

Room13 said...

Hi Room 13 it's IW I just wanted to say that I am really impressed of what Mrs Hodge did and you should be impressed aswell so just wanting to say hi to you and say thankyou and see you in class.

Karen said...

Oh my goodnes what an amazing blog. I am going to be so interested in following this blog during 2010. I really like the way it is set up and the format you have used. It is also very exciting to see how much work you have completed this year.

Anonymous said...

Hi Room 13, this is Mr Fitz, Mrs Hodge has been showing off your new blog. It is absoulutely fantastic, and I am so impressed with all your amazing work this year. I have even seen the drafts that are going to be posted soon.
Keep up the great thinking and recording of your insights room 13, I look forward to reading more throughout the year.
I'm going to show my room, and see if we can construct a blog as well.

Mrs Plowright said...

Hi there Room 13, what an amazing blog you have. I am very impressed with all the learning you have been achieving so far this year. Keep up the excellent thinking. I particularly like how you have established your classroom culture.
I look forward to visiting your blog as well as your classroom.
Mrs Plowright