Welcome to Room 13's Learning Journey blog. We are a class of Year 7-9 year olds in Auckland, New Zealand.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Tiritiri Matangi Island Trip Re-scheduled

It was sad that we couldn't go to the island to see the way the island habitat has been restored...but we have another date to go in Term 4. We are going on Thursday 21 October. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the weather is settled so the ferry can run.

We have done a lot of reading about the history of the island. We looked at a timeline and we made inferences from the timeline's notes. We can identify all the birds that have been translocated to the island so it is going to be wonderful when we get there!!

Here is the link to the Tiritiri Matangi Island Homepage:

(Image from Tiritiri Homepage)

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