Welcome to Room 13's Learning Journey blog. We are a class of Year 7-9 year olds in Auckland, New Zealand.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventure excitement

On Friday the sixth of August 2010 I went planting with IW, BR, HG, AM, BV and GC not forgetting Mrs H. It was mushy, swampy, sticky and oozy with mud. This is a photo of my buddy and me planting.

Our goal is to plant 300 trees wow! We planted 85 of them. Today, another group planted 95 more. We planted natives called: Kohekohe, Kahikatea and Coprosmas. Coprosmas attract birds such as tuis, gray warblers, fantails and silvereyes. It was fun but we got very muddy. Thanks for reading our blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GC Here.. Wow i learnd how to plant a tree and it was cool