Welcome to Room 13's Learning Journey blog. We are a class of Year 7-9 year olds in Auckland, New Zealand.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Underglazing our Clay Tiles

At the end of last term Room 13 was busy on two art projects:

  • the calendar art for fundraising
  • working on a simple clay tile cutout based on our vase and flower drawings
 On the first day of the new term a huge box arrived... we had to wait until week 3 to open it and start work on painting in the flowers. 

We can't wait for the second firing and glazing to be done.
Here are JA-A and OH painting their tiles.
Painting with underglazes is a tricky business because some colours look completely different in their liquid form. For example the cobalt blue underglaze looks mauve/light violet in the jar but will become a brilliant blue when it is fired!

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