Welcome to Room 13's Learning Journey blog. We are a class of Year 7-9 year olds in Auckland, New Zealand.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

About Our Worm Farm: Hand Towels For The Worms.

We collect hand towels that have been used.
At our school we get the hand towels for our worm farm from the staffroom toilets and also from the childrens toilet area too.

We have to clean the buckets after the food scraps have gone into the worm farm because the buckets will get dirty. Using scraping brushes and a small bit of water helps.

When you do this you have to make sure that the bucket has NO plastic, yogurt pots or any other things that worms can't eat. You have to take these things out first. After that tip the food in, spreading it out so each section has the same amount of food.

We also keep the area around the worm farm tidy.

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